Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Question: Do teachers or family have a bigger impact on your education while growing up

Im Going to focus on Literacy Narrative #1

-Growing up she was always taught about hard word and physical labor and was instilled with a belief that if something is going to get done we have to work together. 
-While growing up she also was encouraged to read. It was never looked at as a bad thing to do in her family's eyes. 
-Those two principles were consistent throughout the entire narrative, and they were principles taught by family or found out on her own, yet encouraged by her family. 
-In school she never talks about having a teacher really inspire her to write or read. 
-Most times she brings up teachers its in a negative way because they mark her paper up with red ink, thus making her see red(get angry)
-She never got upset when her parents corrected her or told her to do something else, it was easier to accept her differences in a family setting rather then a school setting. 
-In the end she knows that her family may be slightly disappointed in her for not keeping with family tradition, but she never lets it get her down. Instead she uses it as motivation and looks at it as her own "uniqueness" in a major that's anything but that. 

From analyzing this story, i've realized that what your family says to you will have more effect on you then if a teacher says it. She knew no matter what her family said, good or bad, she knew they loved her and wanted her to be happy. When her teacher corrected her the thought was "maybe it was because she didnt like me and i didnt like her". 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/11 Interview

-While being interviewed by Shana we both learned that when the attack actually happened we handled the situation in similar ways. We both were focused on going home, not that we were over looking the events that just took place, but we didnt understand what was going on at the time and how severe it really was. We also both knew stories of people close to use who worked at the World Trade Center and ended up not going in the day of September 11th. Lastly we discussed how any kid younger then the age of 11 has no recollection of what happened that day, therefore the only way they will find out about what happened is through the internet, and oral re-telling of the story. Overall the interview was very free flowing and was more of a conversation then a formal interview.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Analysis is when you break a complex topic down so that you can understand it better. Its going beyond what meets the eye to possibly identify another meaning other then the one presumed to be true. Analysis can work in a number of ways, it can be done by a large group of people or it can be done by one person, either way they are going to be breaking a problem down in a more simpler way. In the words of Albert Einstein "if you cant explain it simple, you simply dont get it". I agree with that saying. because if you cant break it down to a more explainable format, you most likely dont have a great grasp on what your talking about.  Analysis can be applied to my area of interest, the Columbine incident, in many ways. Trying to decode a motive behind such a violent crime is always a start. Then we can further try to breakdown or analysis the date and timing of why they chose April 20th.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blog 1: Writing Studies

When someone says writing study, the first thought that comes to mind is somebody studying how a person learns how to write. Although it could be a number of studies such as at what age did the someone learn how to write, and does learning how to write sooner rather then later effect how you view writing in the future. Now looking forward into the material we are going to cover in this class the one i am most interested in going over is the Columbine discussion. I remember being very young at the time it happened and not fully aware of what had really taken place. As i got older i realized how awful and cruel of an act that it really was. It would be interesting to dig deeper into finding out what may have been a motive for two kids to want to even consider committing such a gruesome act of violence.