Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Analysis is when you break a complex topic down so that you can understand it better. Its going beyond what meets the eye to possibly identify another meaning other then the one presumed to be true. Analysis can work in a number of ways, it can be done by a large group of people or it can be done by one person, either way they are going to be breaking a problem down in a more simpler way. In the words of Albert Einstein "if you cant explain it simple, you simply dont get it". I agree with that saying. because if you cant break it down to a more explainable format, you most likely dont have a great grasp on what your talking about.  Analysis can be applied to my area of interest, the Columbine incident, in many ways. Trying to decode a motive behind such a violent crime is always a start. Then we can further try to breakdown or analysis the date and timing of why they chose April 20th.

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