Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Question: Do teachers or family have a bigger impact on your education while growing up

Im Going to focus on Literacy Narrative #1

-Growing up she was always taught about hard word and physical labor and was instilled with a belief that if something is going to get done we have to work together. 
-While growing up she also was encouraged to read. It was never looked at as a bad thing to do in her family's eyes. 
-Those two principles were consistent throughout the entire narrative, and they were principles taught by family or found out on her own, yet encouraged by her family. 
-In school she never talks about having a teacher really inspire her to write or read. 
-Most times she brings up teachers its in a negative way because they mark her paper up with red ink, thus making her see red(get angry)
-She never got upset when her parents corrected her or told her to do something else, it was easier to accept her differences in a family setting rather then a school setting. 
-In the end she knows that her family may be slightly disappointed in her for not keeping with family tradition, but she never lets it get her down. Instead she uses it as motivation and looks at it as her own "uniqueness" in a major that's anything but that. 

From analyzing this story, i've realized that what your family says to you will have more effect on you then if a teacher says it. She knew no matter what her family said, good or bad, she knew they loved her and wanted her to be happy. When her teacher corrected her the thought was "maybe it was because she didnt like me and i didnt like her". 

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